*deep breath*
Hi there, everyone! This is Kinnavieve, Team Ratshag's paladin. I first met Ratters during Brewfest last month. He didn't look like all that much, just sorta this short hairy Greatfather Winter-like guy who needed a bath. But there was just something about him. It was like an animal magnetism that drew your attention and wouldn't let go and you just wanted to be near him and dance naked on his table and have his babies and O Sweet Elune-
(*grits teeth and smiles nervously* Get a grip, Kinn. You're supposed to be talking about yourself here. Don't act like a babbling idiot, k? k.)
So, Ratters has been taking me into the Scarlet Monastery a lot lately, and those jerkwads have some real nice armor and weapons, which I kinda look like Herod with boobs right now. He's also promised to take me to Uldaman and Maraudon to get me some plate armor, since I'm almost ready for that. However, he wants me to start striking off on my own more, so that I can be prepared to (hopefully) take his place as a frontline raider in the guild when we go to Northrend. Wow, that'd be exciting. So, last night, I set off into the Dustwallow Marshes to sharpen my skills. I managed to work my way up two seasons, and had a lot of fun along the way. |
I got to meet Jaina Proudmoore. She said any friend of Ratters was a friend of hers. We talked a bit about him, and wow! Eleven times? It made a girl want- (Dammit Kinn, focus! *nervous grin*)
Holy crap, those spiders in Dustwallow are big! Glad thing I'm not the kinda girl to go eeek! and run off. Well, okay, the thought crossed my mind at point. But it just kept on crossing, yessir it did, and I gritted my teeth and stood my ground. (No Ratters, I don't want to know what's waiting in Northrend, dammit! *deep breath*)

At one point in the night, this ginormous sea monster named Tethyr attacked Theramore Harbor. The city guards were pretty short-handed, so they asked me to help out by firing the big mortars. Wow that was exciting. We so totally kicked it's butt!
So, that's me, so far. I'm going to take a break today to celebrate the new patch, Then I'll be back at the leveling grind, pushing for Outland and beyond. Hope to see you there real soon!
Herod...With...Boobs. Interesting image there! :)
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