I travels Azeroth and beyonds, lookin fer ta hit exotic wimmens with me axe and get paid ta makes love ta the evil flunkernubbertumperbuggers. Or is it the other way around? I gets confusicated, sometimes. Ah, bugger it. Whatevers.
All right, well, I gots ta go kill me some gubbersuppertunkering buggers what needs killin'. You buggergubbers be sure ta complimentarize me team members. 'Speciallies that Phoenicia chick. She's hawt.
Ratshag's looking a little...short. You feeling okay, buddy?
I see you went with the questionable surgery, sir orc.
See, everybody wants to be Ratsy sometimes. :)
Wow, Ratters, nice rack.
Must not think dirty thoughts about Ratshag, must not think dirty thoughts about...
Damn it.
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