Is the Maiden of Virtue. What the hey? We done put her arse down several hours ago, and this ain't her territory anywho. Well, I figger I's in fer a beatin' since I ain't got no tank or healers or nuthin'. But she just stops and blinks at me, then starts to wail.
"Ohhhh, nooooooooo! You weren't supposed to be here. You were all supposed to have left! Oh, Prince Mal is going to kiiilllll meeeee!"
"Well, I won't tell him if you won't. Umm, not that I mind, but, uh, aren't you going to attack me?"
"No, I'm off duty now. We go off the clock when we de-spawn. But we're not supposed to let anyone see us then. Ohhh, he's gonna kiillllll meeeee......"
About this time, I noticed a coupla things. First was, she were holding a cigar and a bottle of whiskey, which didn't fit with her usual image. Second was she were starting to cry big water balloon-sized tears. Now, I hates ta see an overgrown woman cry, even if she were one whom I'd been face-smelting just a while ago.
"Now, that doesn't sound so bad. I mean, we killed you earlier. And yet, hear you is, relaxing with whiskey and a smoke..."
"*sniff* It's also a 50 DKP Minus."
"Oh. Ouch"
And we started talkin'. I told her about how I were really an orc warrior, but I'd started wearin' the magic dwarf disguise when me old guild went kerflubble. She told me what her name were really Clarisse and that the whole Maiden of Virtue gig were just something she were doing ta try ta break into actin'. She shared her JD and I shared some Gurubashi Ganja what I had on me. And eventuallies we found ourselves in one of the guest chambers. I were prepared ta take it slow an gradual, 'til she reminded me what Maiden were just her day job. At which point I pulled out all the stops - after all, it ain't easy fer to satisfy I woman ten times yer size, even when ya is amazingly virile. But I's an orc what rises to the challenge, and before long cries of "Impure thoughts! Profane actions! Yes, yes, YES! Impure! IMPURE! PRO-O-O-O-FAAAAAaaaaaannnne...." were echoing down the empty halls. "Oh, baby, is my conscience ever clear," she told me afters. "You come back next week, I'll cleanse your impurity all night long."
But the next week when we raided Kara again, even though the Maiden of Virtue were there, I coulds tell it weren't Clarisse. Dunno if she got her big acting break, or if Prince busted her fer what we did. Or mebbe she went back ta Indiana, wherevers that be. Anywho, it were a night I won't be forgettin' fer a while.
(oh buggers - I never did get that book back to the nutjob in the library)
Okay, now we're read to race! A dozen or so Sidhe Devils druids, plus Phinnegan Among Many, who's like an honorary druid even if he is a warrior. /excited Pali
And there off! I kinda was a second or two late getting started, 'cause I was busy taking pictures. But that's all right - I wasn't expecting to win anyway, because...
... despite the efforts of our senior guildies, there were still a lot of elementals in that lake, just licking their chops in anticipation of sweet young druidling to munch on. Or whatever it is water elementals lick. Ew, not that! Anyway, a lot of the race ended up looking like this (that's me in the foreground, and 'licious out in front of me):
Yay! We made it to the finish line!
Look! There it is, in the flesh! The one! The only! The Big Bear Butt!
('licious dared me to take this picture)
After the race, we had a freestyle aquatic dance competition. Have you ever danced in aquatic form? It's hard - no /dance shortcuts. But we had fun figuring out how to make 300 pounds of muscle and blubber move with grace and poise.
After the competition, the dancing moved on shore. Here's 'licious cutting loose with. if you can believe it, our GMs Windshadow and CassieAnn. I think they need a little less dark iron in their diets...
Next event - an all-out no-holds-barred free-for-all at the Ring of Trials. Of course, crossing Nagrand was a bit of a challenge for those of us in our mid-20s. /nervous Pali But our guildies did their best to clear a path through the wildlife for us. 'licious even managed to become friendly with the Kurenai along the way - I think she wants a talbuk mount.
And here we are. On your mark, get set- go! Feralicious and I fought the good fight, but as you can see I'm afraid agressive pets and AoEs made quick work of us.
So, that was how 'licious and I spent Friday night. It was way cool fun. I want to say Thank you so much to all the Sidhe Devils who participated. You guys are great!