Because I invented the term. Fashoozle.
But maybe it standsss for Many Quiet Octopi Ssend Regrets During Premature Ssenility?
But it does-
Or maybe Murders of Quail Occupy Seven Rotting and Decrepit Pagoda Spires?
No, see, let me explain. A Beast Master Hunter has 41-
Bah! I haven't got all day. Ths Sshadow will embrace you soon, as it embracess everyone, and I need answerss. Why is the kitty not red?
Well, you see, lass, when Bestial Wra-
It's purple!
The "Red" comes from-
I know, but when-
With white stripess!
Because he's a frost-
You should call it BigPurpleWithWhiteSstripesKitty.
Sigh. /headdesk
And why do you carry an axe?
Ah. It's because this axe has -
Ratter carries an axe. And he hitss things with it.
Well, you see-
But you don't. You desspise hunterss who hit things with their axe.
Of course, a hunter-
You make no sensse. No ssense at all. You should probably go now. And don't pinch my asss!
Young lady, I assure you I did not pinch your ass! Such behavior would not be tolerated by Mrs. BR-
But you were thinking it! Ratterss told me you pinched Ego's ass and put the blame on him.
Now that is not-
Go embrace the Shadow, dwarf. Maybe it can undersstand hunters, but I certainly cannot.
LMAO!!! MD inc!
And yer welcome for "pagoda." :)
ROFL...I'm dyin here!!!
Hehe.. Awesome.
I can't think of anything else to say - i'm almost cryin cuz I'm laughing so friggin much! :P
I love the Ratshag guest spots... They are the greatest ever.
That's giving BRK some whatfor, DM!
Thats great. I don't think you'll ever get through to Dangermouse. Though one would think that having played in WSG so much that she'd know something from working with them.
I totally forgot about Dangermouse. I expected Galertruby to offer his jaw-droppingly eloquent opinion.
Funny, disturbing, and skewed. Just what I've come to expect from the guest posts. Awesome!
I need to meet this charming young undead for myself.
Trust me Dangermouse, if I didn't have one, I wouldn't understand them either.
I think I'm more confused now than I was before...
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