Me magical "Turn Ratter into a Dwarf" device done malfunctioned the other day. Instead turning me into the dwarf, it turned me inta some freakish squid-faced spacegoat. Great googly moogly. And a first season one at that! At least I'm a warrior again.

And it done knocked me into some other freaky serververse - one where the rules of engagement is all different, and Hordies and Allies is free ta gank each other, anywhere, anytime. Bugger. Not sure I likes the sound of this.
Fortunatelies, turns out I already gots me a friend over here. This damn fine tasty piece of druidflesh be
Bellwether. Say hello, you buggers. She went and got me some netherweave bags, and it only cost me some personal services, which were a win-win trade in me book.

We had us some fun, going down inta the Deadmines and busting Defias heads. Well, okay. She did the busting. Me, I mostly stood back and tried not to get me arse pounded, 'cause as a lowbie spacegoat I's pretty squishy. A few times one of them Defias hunkerduggers managed ta hide in a corner 'til she'd gone by, then run out and whack me. And since somebody whom I will not name but it starts with Bellwethe fergot ta bring any rezzing reagents, I hadda haul me blue-with-a-tail-on-it arse back from the graveyard each and every time.
After a few of these episodes me bodyguard suggested mebbe I should go starkers, supposedly to save wear-and-tear on the gear. I think she just wanted ta see if I had me any more long, waggly appendages hidden away.

That Defias Digger, he weren't sticking around ta find out.
But it all turned out okay. I got me some nice loots, including
Smite's Mighty Hammer, the
Cruel barb, and
Cookie's Tenderizer (in case I feels culinary). Then we went back to the Westfall Inn, where she totally had her way with all me tentacles, and then it were time to say our goodbyes. The next time I tried me magic transformer, I were me regular dwarf form again. So. Huh. Dunno what quite ta make of all this. But it were funs while it lasted.
Hey now. I was totally behaved that entire time. Didn't bring the keg out or nothing.
Those kind of things are reserved for special occasions.
That begs the question, though...the keg of WHAT, Bell?
It's a pony keg!
Whatever ya do Ratters, if you find yourself all squiddy again do not, NOT! under ANY circumstances.../dance
Y'all are making me want to roll alts on completely inappropriate servers. Fiancee (and guild) will -not- approve. :)
Now while I don't mind being called a spacegoat I am certainly not freakish.
Anyways on those devices ya gotta watch out you have a "Dworc" setting and a "Drorc" setting. These can be easily confused as there is only a one letter difference.
Glad at least Bellwether was able to help ya or you might have been screwed.
Oh and Great Googly Moogly is mine all mine!
If it makes ya feel any better, some of us wimmins like the whole squid thing...
Wait a second... Ratshag was on Dark Iron and I wasn't notified? Where was the server announcement? There was no mail message from a gm in my mailbox. i checked the official wow website and nothin. What gives?
Let me know next time you feel like sportin' some face tentacles.
(and Pike, that's just kinky.)
I absolutely love the timing on that Defias Digger run emote. You can't buy that kind of comedy.
Ratshag, you tell some of the best stories :) You're welcome on Malfurion any time. (and I bet I can get ya through Deadmines with none of this silly dying business) ;)
Please come to Malfurion! if you're in town /w me
Nothing better than realizing you have chin-tails for the first time. Man, thats a good time :D
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