So it's friday night. I show up on time. I've got buff food, several stacks of water, a buncha sacred candles fer the prayer of fort. And I'm wearing mostly greens and a few blues from Hellfire and Nagrand. So it be fair to say what my arse is getting carried.
Biggest concern going in was that I'd do sumthin' ignorant and wipe the raid. This did not happen. I did pull a few ignorants, and there were a few wipes, but not at the same time. But overall I thinks I did okay. Did me shackle assignments as I were supposed to, kept Vampiric Touch and SW:P up on the boss fights, and had the sense to heal meself when the holy priest were busy. Need to understand some of the boss fights better, but that'll come with experience. Me dps were the sucks early on, but it definitelies got higher as the night went on, and when I gets me gear gemmed and enchanted and whatnot it'll be higher still.
So what I get? Lessee...
Handwraps of Flowing Thought
Boots of the Infernal Coven
Trial Fire Trousers
Ritssyn's Lost Pendant
Staff of Infinite Mysteries
Signet of Unshakable Faith
Mostly dps gear, so I thinks I'll be sticking with the shadow at least until I can get some more healy epics tailored up.
And along the way, I had me a blast. Big thanks to me guildies what made the night possible, and I's looking forward to going back this week.
nice night for ya then eh? :P
that is just sick :)
my new bear tank is almost 70 (my second char) and I'm looking at all the different quests, 5 man runs, and crafting skills I can use to gear up with blues to a decent level.
It will be a long haul to get up to the level of your one night in kara.
Good show, Rats! Gratz!
That just makes me sick. I've been waiting for the Staff of infinite mysteries for months...and you get it your first try.
My guilds group 2 ran it last night, and of course it dropped.
I suppose I shant complain, I got the Bow from Prince my first time in Kara on my hunter...
Way to go, Rats!!
I'm hoping my first showing at Kara is as fruitful. :D
Congratulations! Nice haul for the first time through.
*squints eyes* I know I am missing the point...but did someone take their orphan to Kara? >.> Oh well...I guess it's better than using them as a sled dog team as my guildie wants. Reins of the War Orphan.
Congrats on the good haul! It's one of the nice things about everyone else being well geared already. ;p Keep up the good work!
Holy crap. I've been doing Kara for weeks and have not seen some of that stuff drop. Obviously what you list wouldn't be for me but I know our Shadow Priest would like that Staff of Infinite Mysteries.
Ratters, you must be the luckiest Orc in a Dwarf's disguise to ever set foot in Azeroth!
If you got Rittsyn's and the Handwraps on your first night in Kara and then respec Holy, I think the collective Spirit of Shadow Priest-dom would smite you down.
You go holy, we're gonna have issues.
Stay shadow and you'll get invites to SSC/TK/MH...
Grats Rat, that sounds awesome. Makes me want to transfer over to Drenden and stalk you and the rest of the "blog-circle."
I think the universe is sending mixed messages. It let you go through tailoring hell for healing and then gave you all that dps gear. Since my guild is still struggling with the second half of Kara, the universe is just leaving my mage a bit envious for now. He's got some of that gear, but has yet to even see that staff.
Anyway, thanks for inspiring my dwarfy priest to start leveling up again. Though I don't know how I feel about seconds on Whitemaine.
Shadow priest role for each Kara boss fight, courteousy of Shadowpriest.com
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