So there I is outside of Gadget (don't ask why- is a long story, and she done signed the forms alreadies), when this sorry-arsed old bugger comes up and starts in on some woe-is-me story. Apparentlies a buncha years ago he were riding through the Hillsbrad Foothills all by hisself (is before the place got all plaguified and then I had ta go slaughter all them farmers), and he got jumped by a buncha glubbfumpers what stole his hat. Now, he's lookin' fer some buggers ta go back in time through them caverns and get it back. Says he'll give'em some
nice hats if they does. So what the hey. I likes hats.
Well, me and Zinzi (what gives good resurrection) and Throttle with goggles and Aelion the cheeky blood elf never did see no gang of hat stealin' glubbfumpers, but we did find a dude with one of them cool hats ridin' down the road by hisself. We figured a cool hat's a cool hat, so we knocked him down and took it, fer to give the old guy back in modern times. Oh, and in his bags we found another one, with a label what said "famous". I kept
that one fer meself. Came with a dingo and everythings.

Anywho, we took the hat to the old dude, who said that yes, this were indeed his hat, thankee so much. And he done gave us these here
Hasilacisanilac hats in trade.

Ain't bad lookin'. Gonna haveta go bother me kid brother ta stitch up some matching
pants and
shirt, I think.
Do we have to call you El Ratshag Terreeblay now?
That's Mr. El Ratshag The Terreeblay to you Mr. Khol.
Senor El Ratshag la Terreeblay?
Hey Boss,
I'm having trouble finishing that task you gave me. I can manage to catch enough raindrops to fill the brim of the hat, if I zig-zag around just right, but then a little bit sloshes out onto the ground and then I look down at the spill...
I ain't never gonna get finished with this.
Nice hat.
Has Jaina seen you in it yet?
Damn it, Misneach! Now I'm picturing Ratters in the hat, the whole hat, and nothing but the hat!
Bleach! I need bleach! And a funnel! And an ice-pick! Stat!
That said...Ratters? You're like Will Smith in that hat. You make it look gooooood ;)
Glad I could brighten up your hump day.
Can we get an order of Brain Bleach for Cap'n John over here?
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