Well, Ellspeth's friend Suptail, what be the head of Team Suptail, done earned herself a milestone. Yup, that's her, walking through the Dark Portal with Hades the puppy, who done been with her since Ashenvale days.
Is big uber-grats, kiddo. Looking forwards ta seein' ya in Northrend before too much longers!
From one Tauren female hunter to another- Cheers! Can I buy you a drink in World's End?
Female tauren are like female dwarves...mythical creatures that one hears about, but never actually sees.
Good point, Mr. Drake. I would submit that most of us are usually in the back room of the local bar having splash fights with the draft spigots. My death knight buddy recently learned how to balance a pony keg of Darkmoon Special Reserve on her nose.
@Sedna- The wolf would drain the place dry and sleep for 2 days afterward.
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