We did us a proper job on Attumen and Moroes. The Maiden, now she and I gots a bit of a history together after hours, but tonight we kept things on a professional basis. She put up a heckuva fight, but in the end it were her pretty fanny on the ground. And yeah, me conscience were clear.

We decided fer ta gets all dressed up fer the opera. Yarrrr. It were Oz that night. Much to me and Zinzi's surprise, we took care of Dorothee and her little friends without a single one of us taking a dirt nap, let alone a wipe. Yay us.

We lost Rim the mage before we got ta Curator. He hadda go home and eat some babies or somethin'. That left us with just three dps types, all melee, and they had troubles gettin rid of them pesky Flares. After a coupla wipes, we ended up calling it.

Were a most enjoyable evening, and everyones said they enjoyed the break from Northrend. We may come backs some time, or mebbes another diversion. I hear Onyxia's still out there somewheres, and Don Carlos still has me hat, the bugger.
Man, they make you wait 14 months to move in AND you still have to clean the joint up yourself? You really need to have a "talk" with your real estate agent...
Rats, are you still on Cenarion Circle? I's got a coupla Horde looking for a group to hang out with...
@Khol - Tell me about it
@Doyce - Yups, I's still on CC
I have to say, I was really impressed with your goals from back in 2007. They are almost downright inspiring!
So, what are your goals for 2009?
I love your Blog Ratters! It's always nice to see shots from CC with names I've seen running around. If you ever need an extra person for anything look me up, I would be happy to help!
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