See my shield? Not a Death Knight!
See my handguards? Not a Death Knight!
Mutter mutter frickin' helmet mutter stupid stinky shoulders mutter mutter mutter dumb belt mutter mutter lich bitch mutter chestpiece mutter....
And now my belly button is exposed, even when I'm tanking!
It's not fair.
Looks almost like you have a beard too. ;)
Oh, don't worry, Kin, soon enough you'll get more of your set pieces and look just as ridiculous as the rest of the Pally Rangers.
Power ranger...
...death knight...
...power ranger...
...death knight...
I chose Death Knight.
I've just become accustomed to looking like vomit as a pally tank. Since TBC, I just gave into the, "I look like I just got dressed in the dark at a scrap metal heep" look.
But you know what? I tank like there is no tomorrow baby! :D
Isn't this your first char? Didn't you like *just* hit 80? Jesus.. I hope you can actually play and that you weren't handed that gear O_O
@muffin - I know! /wail
@Khol - Can it be morphing time soon? please?
@Ambro - Well, I don't. I'm a soldier of the Light, not a walking corpse that switches sides whenever it's convenient, and proud of it.
@Fuu - Good for you!
@Anon - Ummm, huh? I think perhaps you are full of assumptions, which are just making an ass out of you and mptions.
Kin, hun.
Invest in a shirt.
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