Ah, Stranglethorn. Land where, if ya stands still too long, the vines'll grow up yer trouser leg and try ta get it on with yer privates. Land where zombie pirate nagas makes they's home. And, if yer in a PvPverse, the gankers go looking fer unfair fights.
So I's got me draenaninny warrior disguise on, and I wants ta get me a
Whirlwind Axe. Just like that bugger did with Phoenicia a
few weeks ago, the crazy troll hermit in Alterac sends me down ta Stranglethorn for ta fetch 30 troll tusks. Now, I's got a couple more seasons on me than Phoe did, so I ain't expecting much troubles from them trolls - is just gonna be a simple grind. Is them other funkergubbers what I expects trouble from. And I ain't disappointed.
Death 1: Bird lands at the Rebel Camp. Two 70s is standing right there, and they drops me faster'n you can say "g-". Nailed the poor bugger landing right behind me, too.
Death 2: I's taking on two trolls at once. First is dead, second nearly so, when a rogue three levels higher'n me unstealths and his daggers is in me back. I goes down faster'n Lehman Bros.
Death 3: Undead warrior, 8 levels higher'n me. I see him, he sees me. He charges. I puts up a fight this time, fer a little bit.
Death 4: Level 70 warlock. DoTs, Fear, and I run around screaming while me insides cook. No funs.
Death 5: Blood Elf rogue, 2 levels higher'n me. I'm getting ready ta target me next troll, when I gets stunlocked and she starts pumpin' away on me. Even so, I manages ta shake it off and get her down ta 3% before she does fer me.
Deaths 6-8: This Belf rogue, having found that I's a serious bone ta be chewed, decides she don't want any more fair fights. Instead, she skulks around until I's fully engaged with a troll, then hits me with the stunlock. Couple times she puts me down before I can do much, last time I had her to 20%. 'Bout this time a higher level guildie shows up ta helps, and there's no more trouble.
Now, is not like all Hordes is gankers there. I saw another warrior me own level, plus higher level shammy and a mage. They was doing they's thing, I were doing my thing. Had the warrior shown a desire to party, I'd've happy to oblige, but I had a job ta do and I weren't gonna go outta me way.
Fer them others, particularlies that Belf, all I can say is I's unimpressed. Me, I'm happy to test me skill against someone else. I's happy ta test my gear against someone else's. Often times I comes up short, and that be fine. Is the whole point, ya know? But great googly moogly. Hanging around, waiting fer a fight ya know ya can win, has gotta be boring as all bagoobers.
Fishing would prolly be more interesting. Which don't say much fer the minds of thems what do it.
Anywho, that were my experience. Is big thanks ta
Daelan fer his assistance in getting the last of them tusks. Now is on to elementals, and then me spiffy axe.