DangerMouse took this peek at one of her team mates in Whore's Thong Gulch the other day. Ain't there like a +25 AGI enchant fer two-handers?
'Course, I's just a simple orc what don't know nuthin' 'bout hunting.
Yeah total huntard. The agility helps not only with damage but his avoidance in the twink area. At the least he could've gotten icy on the weapon which still huntardish would've been more useful because of the slowing effect.
This is when we just shake our heads and go.. d'oh! That's someone who didn't research enchants fully, to be sure. I mean, Timbermaw rep was never that big of a deal, unless you absolutely HAD to quest in Winterspring.. but now that people can just hop out to Outlands to level, most have forgotten about the pore lil' furbolgs.
/sigh I love running into toons like this. I do agree on the importance of picking a matching glow, style is substance after all. But you can pick better enchants that will so look stylin' and sechsay. I really was thinking agility would be the same way to go. I'd only go intellect if I was having mana issues.
Yeah total huntard. The agility helps not only with damage but his avoidance in the twink area. At the least he could've gotten icy on the weapon which still huntardish would've been more useful because of the slowing effect.
the AGI enchant is only for items lvl 35+ so he wouldn't be able to put it on that axe even if he wanted to.
@Anon - I thinks yer thinking of the +35 AGI. I's thinking of the of the pre-BC enchant, which don't look to have any restrictions, far as I can tell.
This is when we just shake our heads and go.. d'oh! That's someone who didn't research enchants fully, to be sure. I mean, Timbermaw rep was never that big of a deal, unless you absolutely HAD to quest in Winterspring.. but now that people can just hop out to Outlands to level, most have forgotten about the pore lil' furbolgs.
My eyes! They burn!!!
My only guess is that they got it for free. Yea... Yea… That is what I will go with. What a waste of good shards.
Luckily they will learn and it can be replaced with [Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect] or [Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility].
We recommend the Mighty Intellect one for lvl 19 hunter twinks. Agility can be made up in other enchants.
spirit is one of the most underrated hunter stat. seriously. almost as underrated as defense rating.
@Asara - I did me enough rep grind to where them Furblogs'd let me use they's tunnel, but I's afraid I moved on soon as I had.
@Kat, Doom - Int or Spirit? Interestings. Wouldna thought of either of thems.
@Luke - Belfs look like belfs. *shrug* You might wants to ease off on the hate there - it don't look good on ya.
Either that or he just wanted the enchant for the fiery glow... alot of people only care about how they look.
/sigh I love running into toons like this. I do agree on the importance of picking a matching glow, style is substance after all. But you can pick better enchants that will so look stylin' and sechsay. I really was thinking agility would be the same way to go. I'd only go intellect if I was having mana issues.
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