Sunday, August 30, 2009

Is Where Kinnavieve Cries Out NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Hello, Kinnavieve, my sweet cauliflower of righteous passion!

Yes, it is I, Maurice, the Death Knight of Looove! I have transversed the twisting nether to join you in your new serververse. I shall again wait at the Stormwind mailbox, disenchanting items you find in your campaigns and allowing the beauteous ladies the opportunity to swoon in my presence. But in the evenings, ooh-la-la! I shall be all yours! Is it not so sweet!

What did you say, my darling eggplant? I am afraid I could not hear clearly - it sounded something like "Ima brekkiz frickin jaw."


BlueTiger said...

Who would not want Maurice stalking.. er.. courting them? I would be flattered :D

Edyion said...

There there maurice she will come around someday.....i am a bit jealous myself.

Kayeri said...

::wondering how well the undeadish heal from broken bones:: :)

Keredria said...

Oh, but how I have missed Maurice! Its been too long since I've been able to swoon at his feet!

Sassafras said...

All the ladies love Maurice!

She's just playing hard to get, you keep after her! ;)

Willowbear said...

Maurice has enough lurv for all of the beauteous ladies. I'm sure he'll get to you ladies as well 'straight' away.

Anonymous said...

Death Knigts are notorious for carrying and spreading teh diseases! Watch out Kinna!