In me commenting on the matter, I pointed out that even though I ain't a Nelfette or Humanette or Forsakenette, I still have a damn attractive butt. One that anyone should be happy to stare at. And that bugger Kestrel said he wanted a second opinion. So fine. Here be the backside of Ratshag. Opinionates away.

The tight plate over your tush seems well-seated. The vermeil vertical lines highlight the muscular definition obviously hidden beneath.
The choice of a low-rise, skull-adorned belt was excellent, effectively drawing the eye down. Likewise with the cropped shirt, allowing your jade skin to provide chroma contrast.
You put the "fun" in fundament.
well said.
or to put it more simply, that is some damned fine orc backside.
Words escape me to respond to this.
Ratsy! The fact that you find male Orc butt hawt disturbs me. None-the-less I applaud your attempt to make the best out of a bad situation. If it were I would first person WoW all the time. :)
Didn't you used to be in a boy band?
That butt looks familiar...
Bleh I can't think of anything snarky to say.
/summon doom and TJ
I tell you buggers, I loves me the comments I get when I throw silly crap like this up. Really appreciates everyone dropping by and letting me know whats ya think.
@kakalakalalaki - It ain't that I find male oorc buts hawt. It's just that mine is special.
@urthona - Rofl!
@game dame - welcome to the silliness that be me world
First: Valyre, when I read your comment, I said to myself, "I sure hope that person blogs!"
Second: I'm still trying to figure out how, exactly, I want to discuss orc-butt. In my experience, the best-looking orcs have always been the ones with a bunch of my arrows sticking out of 'em and their faces (or, since 2.3, butts) chewed off by my cat.
However, I'm willing to accept Valyre's assessment. On the other hand...Sonvar pretty much nailed it for me.
And I had to laugh @ Game Dame's Epic Thong--but I wish she'd included the WoWHead Item #. (Oh wait...I think I know what/who drops it...)
Coming from a Hunter Belfette- "I waaaaaants it."
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