So I'm talking to me houseservant Boy Friday about this. Friday's a simple creature, but he never leaves Orgrimmar, and sometimes he hears stuff while he's hanging out in the auction house or by the mailbox. "You got any thoughts on how we could help this poor nuggerchumper out?" I asks. "Ain't like we can count on that heartbreaker Aurum to break open her piggybank fer him alongs with everthin' else."
"Hmmm .... I know a bugger what knows a bugger. Give me a coupla days, boss. I see what I can come up with."
So, I stockpiled up stuf while I waited. I smithed up a iron counterweight fer his two-hander, I found a coupla righteous orbs to get a Crusader enchant (no, not them righteous orbs!), a pair of hulking boots for his hulking nelf feet, a snazzy cloak, and various shards and dusts and whatnot fer stamina and strength and agility enchants. Cost a few hundred gold all told, which weren't too bad.
So then I go check with Boy Friday, and he sez "Here's the deal. You give me the goods. I's gonna give'em to this shady character in Tanaris (no names!) what's gonna put'em on the auction block there. Then this other bugger's gonna buy them and give'em too this to Salmanella (she's this hummy warlock what be a junior member of Team Ratshag) in Ironforge. Then you gotta bribe the BlizzarGods to send her to Dak's serververse, where he can hands'em over to him."
Now, normalies I can't be bothered to keep track of the details, but this one were kinda important, so I kept an eye on things best I could. The transfer at the Gadget auction house went without a hitch. Once Sal had her hands on the goods I submitted me

Wow this bugger that knows a bugger knows some shady buggers good thing those goods you spent so much on didn't "disamappear" somewhere in the darkverse.
Boy, I woulda guessed that security on a deal like this is high... but making the Scuzzy-looking bugger wear his eye-patch over his good eye! That was some good thinkin on Friday's part.
Watch out for the Feds.
Too much Red Tape anymore
Now you see what he did there? It's intel like this that makes me keep coming back here!
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