Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So Ol' Man Ilhoof Sez Ta Me...

"I always heard what wimmenz liked a man with a long wriggling staff. But it's never really worked out the way I thoughts it would. How abouts you take it, Ratters? Mebbe it'll pay off fer you, seeings as yer amazingly virile and all."

"Dude," I sez. "It's got, like, four tentacles."

"Ya," he sez, shuffling his hooves kinda sad like. "I figgered, ya know, it'd be betters that way. Help me catch a woman what'd be, well, a goer. But I could never close the deal. I think Kil'rek done gets more play than me."

"Well, yeah, yer prolly right. Go ahead and give it here. I know me an egotistical priest what likes fer ta get her antlers stroked, if nuthin' else."

Well, okay, that ain't exacty how it went down. But it sure be a better storification than "I roflstomped him and then done looted his dead arse."


Kayeri said...

And I know it took me awhile to note this, but that staff always gave me the willies, even back in BC.. I was glad I was a resto druid so I didn't have to take it...

This was reinforced after a wipe in Serpentshrine once where our feral druid was lying dead and that staff was still wriggling! Yep, I knew what did it after that...

Kauket said...

The world is only as interesting as the eye through which it's viewed.

AKA, I like Ratter's version better.