Friday, November 28, 2014
Flying Gobblernogger
Hope you buggers had a happy Thanksgiving if that be yer particulars tribalism, and that ya left room fer pie.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Tristan At The Plate
Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright, The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout, But there is no joy in Stormshield - Private Tristan has struck out. |
Monday, November 24, 2014
At Least Khadgar Done Gots Chicken
So, them history books is all gonna talks about the heroic campaign where a few brave souls done led a couragified assault through the Dark Portal against them Iron Hordies. But them history books, they's usually more interesteds in tellin' a good story than in reportin' the less-than-beautifuls truths sometimes. Here be how it really went down:
Ratshag: OK guys goin' through this portal done always caused us troubles in the past. Does anybody realies want to go through? Or can we just seal it off from the outside?
Kinnavieve: I think Khadgar wants to quest in there.
Ratshag: Bugger wants XP? Ain't he alreadies boss level?
Kinnavieve: Yes, but he wants better transmog gear. His selfies will get more likes.
Ratshag: Bugger me with a chainsaw....
Ratshag: Okay, what we'll do is, I'll runs in first. Gather up all them orcs. We can kinda just blast them flubbernuggers all down. I's gonna use Intimidating Shout fer ta kinda scatter them so we ain't gotta fight a whole bunch of them alls at once.
Ratshag: I's gonna need Goblin Hunter Boy (by night known as Fezziwhig) ta frost trap them gronns. Keeps 'em back, not haveta fight too many at once.
Ratshag: When he done done that, Creighton needs fer ta run in an' Frost Nova them ogres.
Ratshag: We's gonna establish a perimeter, pull the glubbernubber Warsongs in, so's we can AoE, so's we can get 'em down fast. 'Cause we's bringing all these guys. I means, we's gonna be in trouble if we cain't get 'em down quick. I thinks what it be a pretty good plan, should gets us in there jus' fine.
Ratshag: Whatcha think, Mouse? Can ya gives me a number crunchification real quicks?
Danger Mouse: I'm coming up with 32.33, repeating of coursse, percentage of sssurvival.
Ratshag: Is a lot better than we usually does. All right you buggers, thumbs up, let's fuhggin' do this-
Khadgar: For AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZEROTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ratshag: Oh fuhg, he just ran in!
Various voices:
Save him!
Oh sweet Elune!
Stick to the plan!
Oh sweet Elune let's go let's go!
Stick to the plan, stick to the plan!
Oh bugger - oh fuug. Do Frost Block!
Hurry up!
It's on cooldown!
I can't move! I can't move!
What the hell?
Don't let Guldan out, it'll close the Portal!
By the Light!
I don't think you can cast with that shit.
Oh my god.
Well don't let him go!
Gods dammit Khadgar, gods dammit!
Khadgar you moron.
I'm trying. It's not my fault.
Who's got a hearthstone? We do have a hearthstone back ta Pandaria, don't we?
Oh crap. Oh for-
Khadgar: At least I have chicken
Ratshag: OK guys goin' through this portal done always caused us troubles in the past. Does anybody realies want to go through? Or can we just seal it off from the outside?
Kinnavieve: I think Khadgar wants to quest in there.
Ratshag: Bugger wants XP? Ain't he alreadies boss level?
Kinnavieve: Yes, but he wants better transmog gear. His selfies will get more likes.
Ratshag: Bugger me with a chainsaw....
Ratshag: Okay, what we'll do is, I'll runs in first. Gather up all them orcs. We can kinda just blast them flubbernuggers all down. I's gonna use Intimidating Shout fer ta kinda scatter them so we ain't gotta fight a whole bunch of them alls at once.
Ratshag: I's gonna need Goblin Hunter Boy (by night known as Fezziwhig) ta frost trap them gronns. Keeps 'em back, not haveta fight too many at once.
Ratshag: When he done done that, Creighton needs fer ta run in an' Frost Nova them ogres.
Ratshag: We's gonna establish a perimeter, pull the glubbernubber Warsongs in, so's we can AoE, so's we can get 'em down fast. 'Cause we's bringing all these guys. I means, we's gonna be in trouble if we cain't get 'em down quick. I thinks what it be a pretty good plan, should gets us in there jus' fine.
Ratshag: Whatcha think, Mouse? Can ya gives me a number crunchification real quicks?
Danger Mouse: I'm coming up with 32.33, repeating of coursse, percentage of sssurvival.
Ratshag: Is a lot better than we usually does. All right you buggers, thumbs up, let's fuhggin' do this-
Khadgar: For AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZEROTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ratshag: Oh fuhg, he just ran in!
Various voices:
Save him!
Oh sweet Elune!
Stick to the plan!
Oh sweet Elune let's go let's go!
Stick to the plan, stick to the plan!
Oh bugger - oh fuug. Do Frost Block!
Hurry up!
It's on cooldown!
I can't move! I can't move!
What the hell?
Don't let Guldan out, it'll close the Portal!
By the Light!
I don't think you can cast with that shit.
Oh my god.
Well don't let him go!
Gods dammit Khadgar, gods dammit!
Khadgar you moron.
I'm trying. It's not my fault.
Who's got a hearthstone? We do have a hearthstone back ta Pandaria, don't we?
Oh crap. Oh for-
Khadgar: At least I have chicken
Friday, November 21, 2014
The Great Corgi Massacre
A bugger would think, what afters ten years, Blizzard would done figger out a way fer ta deliver account-unique items withouts mailin' one ta every dang team member, forcin' us ta personallies put down all but one of the poor things.
Yeah, that'd be a "no".
Yeah, that'd be a "no".
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
A True Blacksmith Forges His Own Pet
Professions In WoD: Part 4 Of Several
So, here we is. Rampagin' through the portal, settin' up our garrisons, dashin' to 100, and figgerin' out this here new profession system, with it's daily cooldowns. Which is really how it mostly was since MoP 5.1, we just didn't notice 'cause we'd alreadies skilled up.
So here's a thing fer you buggers. A tip, kinda. If yer needin' fer ta get you some epics (or heroic-level swords) as fast as possibles, then go do those. But if'n ya gots a bit of flexibilities, there be some more efficient ways fer ta skill up. The epics, they all gives ya a skill point fer every ten reagents what is needed. So fer examples, a truesteel breastplate done needs 100 truesteel ingots an' gives ya 10 skill ups. But now a Soul of the Forge, what be a lil' flamey bugger of a pet, he only needs 50 ingots but he still gives ya 10 skill ups. Not bad, eh? Half as many means twice as good. And then there's the re-roll tokens - the grinder an' the reshaper. Thems is three skill ups fer onlies ten ingots, which be even betters. Other professions, they gots similars.
Remembers, the higher yer skill, the more ingots or hexweaves or crystals or whatevers ya get from yer daily transmute. So, skillin' up faster is better, if'n ya can affords ta be flexible with what ya makes the first coupla weeks.
So, here we is. Rampagin' through the portal, settin' up our garrisons, dashin' to 100, and figgerin' out this here new profession system, with it's daily cooldowns. Which is really how it mostly was since MoP 5.1, we just didn't notice 'cause we'd alreadies skilled up.
So here's a thing fer you buggers. A tip, kinda. If yer needin' fer ta get you some epics (or heroic-level swords) as fast as possibles, then go do those. But if'n ya gots a bit of flexibilities, there be some more efficient ways fer ta skill up. The epics, they all gives ya a skill point fer every ten reagents what is needed. So fer examples, a truesteel breastplate done needs 100 truesteel ingots an' gives ya 10 skill ups. But now a Soul of the Forge, what be a lil' flamey bugger of a pet, he only needs 50 ingots but he still gives ya 10 skill ups. Not bad, eh? Half as many means twice as good. And then there's the re-roll tokens - the grinder an' the reshaper. Thems is three skill ups fer onlies ten ingots, which be even betters. Other professions, they gots similars.
Remembers, the higher yer skill, the more ingots or hexweaves or crystals or whatevers ya get from yer daily transmute. So, skillin' up faster is better, if'n ya can affords ta be flexible with what ya makes the first coupla weeks.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Is Can Logs Inta WoW Normals Again
But afters two nights of stayin' up tryin fer ta get in, watching the queue tick down from 2000 ta 1500 ta 1000 ta 500 ta 32, onlies ta get disconnected and havin' ta start overs ....
.... Buffy the Perky Puginator done be too tired ta play.
.... Buffy the Perky Puginator done be too tired ta play.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Blizz Shoots They's WoD Tonight
Everybodies get all stocked up on IVs fer injectin' Mountain Dew and catheters so ya ain't gotta go bio? If not, ya still gots a few hours ta run ta the store an' stock up. Best get a move on.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Do Not Want
I were lookin' through the notes overs on mmo-champion from one of the T&A sessions at BlizzCon, an' I done saw this puppy:
"The team can make one click milling and prospecting if it is something players want."
If we want? If we want??!?
Lemme explain you, Blizz. We plays this game fer funs. Is why we be here, payin' out subscriptions month afters month. We wants our fun. Is be our mode and modus. An' there ain't nuthin - I means nuthin' - what be more fun than:
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
(repeat 873 more times)
Seriouslies, Blizz, whyfuhg would anybodies want fer ta replace that with:
*click spell*
Thems of us what be inscriptions gives ourselves blisters milling hundreds of herbs a week because is what we wants. Clickin' the same things over an' an' over' an' over be our mode an' modus. It be our central kick. Is how we like it. Ain't nobodies wants fer ta go ta a better way jus' cause it'd make sense. That way lies madness.
Listen ta yer players, Blizz. Don' be gettin' all radicals and dumbin' down the game. If'n we wanted ya ta change it, we'd be writin' blog posts or sumthin'.
"The team can make one click milling and prospecting if it is something players want."
If we want? If we want??!?
Lemme explain you, Blizz. We plays this game fer funs. Is why we be here, payin' out subscriptions month afters month. We wants our fun. Is be our mode and modus. An' there ain't nuthin - I means nuthin' - what be more fun than:
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
*click spell*
*click herbs*
(repeat 873 more times)
Seriouslies, Blizz, whyfuhg would anybodies want fer ta replace that with:
*click spell*
Thems of us what be inscriptions gives ourselves blisters milling hundreds of herbs a week because is what we wants. Clickin' the same things over an' an' over' an' over be our mode an' modus. It be our central kick. Is how we like it. Ain't nobodies wants fer ta go ta a better way jus' cause it'd make sense. That way lies madness.
Listen ta yer players, Blizz. Don' be gettin' all radicals and dumbin' down the game. If'n we wanted ya ta change it, we'd be writin' blog posts or sumthin'.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Happy BlizzCon, You Buggers!
If'n yer there, hope yer havin' funs. Be sures ta drop by the TNB party an' say hellos ta Fim and Hydra fer me.
If'n ya ain't there but yer watchin' the at-home feeds, hopes yer gettin' fer ta see some cool stuffs and informationalications. Plus, ya know, murloc pet, which always be cool.
And if'n yer just checkin' Twitter fer ta see if anythin' interestin' pops up, but mostlies ya just wants it ta hurry the fuhg up an' finish so's we can has our expansion alreadies ....
.... well then I's right there with ya.
If'n ya ain't there but yer watchin' the at-home feeds, hopes yer gettin' fer ta see some cool stuffs and informationalications. Plus, ya know, murloc pet, which always be cool.
And if'n yer just checkin' Twitter fer ta see if anythin' interestin' pops up, but mostlies ya just wants it ta hurry the fuhg up an' finish so's we can has our expansion alreadies ....
.... well then I's right there with ya.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Titles in WoD
So there be a title what ya can earn if'n ya builds a stable in yer garrison what be called "Stable Master". Personallies, I's thinkin' what there oughtta be a title "Unstable Master", what ya gets by tearin' down all the buildings in yer garrison an' startin' over ten times.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Sauce Fer The Gander
Is so many armors what shows off all the females pulchrons .... pulkrinates .... pulcharions .... bugger it. They shows off a lotta midriffs an' sideboobs. But ya puts 'em on a guy, and suddenly it don't show no more skin than them things nuns wear. But today I were runnin' nubbers in me dwarfy priest disguise an' I got me some polychromatic threads. Put 'em on an' great googly moogly I thought it were a graphics glitch. Dwarf belly, dwarf nips, were all sortsa amazingly virile dwarfflesh. Turns out, no is supposed ta look like that. Well, I thinks. Is a little hard fer ta tell on wowhead, 'cause all the pics of this armors on wowhead done show it on wimmenz. So I done submittified this here pic of me, fer ta provide a bit of balance:
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Ghostcrawler Promised Me A Pony. Then He Done Quit
Well, Hallow's End VIII is a wrap. Me an' the team, we did a full court press fer the Horseman's Flyin' Pony - I figger we looted about a hundred an' fifty pumpkins. In the end, we was oh-fer-a hundred an' fifty. Not that we didn't get some loot - pretty much everybodies what cant equip plate got theyselves a Helm of Evil Laughter, an' several buggers what weren't rogues or monks reached in an' pulled out pumpkin swords. Alayda the shammy trollop done had herself all kinds of epic lootifications of uselessness:
At least the trick-or-treatin' junior team members was productive. They extorted enough tricky treats from the innkeepers of Azeroth ta pick up a coupla new pets fer the team, as well as that bonfire toy we bought years ago an' then deleted 'cause whofuhg had the bag space ta carry around an extra campfire? Plus Noggle the Rogue got a chance to look like a real badarse fer once, 'stead of a cute little dude with coupla toy knives.
Oh, and the perky pugs, they totally rocked it, 'cause pugs in costumes is awesome.
At least the trick-or-treatin' junior team members was productive. They extorted enough tricky treats from the innkeepers of Azeroth ta pick up a coupla new pets fer the team, as well as that bonfire toy we bought years ago an' then deleted 'cause whofuhg had the bag space ta carry around an extra campfire? Plus Noggle the Rogue got a chance to look like a real badarse fer once, 'stead of a cute little dude with coupla toy knives.

Oh, and the perky pugs, they totally rocked it, 'cause pugs in costumes is awesome.
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